The Unexplainable Store® التطبيقات

Brainwave-calm, stress relief 6.2.5
The Unexplainable Store®
The No. 1 Brainwave App in 32 Countries! Topquality Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats combined with relaxingambient music and soothing nature sounds. Including 90 programs forRelax, Sleep, Meditate, Anxiety, Stress Relief, Positive Mind,Confidence, Focus, Memory, Healing, Brain Function, and muchmore!As world-renowned brainwave specialist, The Unexplainable Store®has been providing brainwave entrainment since the year 2000. Allthe brainwaves are meticulously created with the latest brainwaveentrainment technology. And all the Isochronic Tones are 320Bitrate!*** FEATURES- 90+ brainwave programs bring you to an altered state ofmind- Download for 3 free Brainwave sessions lifetime (a value of$26)- Sync your purchases between iOS, Mac and other devices with oneaccount- Time your session with built-in Timer feature- Free samples of each brainwave recording- No extensive practices required, and feel the effects inminutes*** BENEFITS OF BRAINWAVES- Total relaxation of the entire body from head to toe- Reduce Anxiety or Relieve Stress- Feeling of sedation- Enhance cognitive ability- Increase ability to meditate deeply- Explore spiritual side of life- Place you in a state of hypnosis- Treat ADHD and personality disorders- Heighten your mood- Ease the symptoms of depression- Beat insomnia and sleep like a babyAnd a lot more is waiting for you to explore. Download now andexperience the benefits of Brainwaves.*** NOTEEvery person's brain works differently, but on the same basicprinciples. Some minds are more open to suggestion, while othersrefuse to let go. As each recording is specifically designed for acertain purpose, effects on individuals differ. Just be aware thatyour mind wants what you want. It takes some time to really feeleffects, so don’t give up if you fail to reach where you would liketo be after the first try. Also, headphone is highlyrecommended.Read more about our terms and conditions here - Contact
Sleepwave - Sleep with Music 1.3
The Unexplainable Store®
Need a little more sleep? Want to improve your sleep? You have cometo the right app! Sleepwave is a brainwave entrainment applicationthat uses the technology of isochronic tones to tune your brainwavein sync with the exact Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta wave providedto reach desired state of consciousness. Note: You can enjoy twotracks for free forever and the others for free in one month.Features: 1. No extensive practice required; 2. Reaches deep delta;3. Feel the effects in minutes; 4. Affects both body and mind. Atthe end of the day sometimes we find it difficult to finally letthe stresses of the day go and just relax. The problems we ran intoduring the day crop up again causing us to worry needlessly on intothe night even though we desperately want sleep. At a certain pointwe find ourselves glancing at the clock over and over and thinking,"Even if I get to sleep right now, I'll only be able to get four orfive hours before I have to wake up again." And of course thisdoesn't relax you, it only makes you more desperate to relax. Withour sleep program, it's no longer difficult to fall into a quickrelaxation state and get started with important REM sleep. Ratherthan toss and turn for hours on end, just have this systemimmediately downloaded to your computer, plug in your headphones,and press play. Almost immediately you'll enjoy a more relaxedstate. Before you even know for sure that it's working, you will bequickly transported to that state of consciousness you've beendesperately trying to get all night. DISCLAIMER: Please rememberthat Sleepwave is merely a tool to assist in your rejuvenation. Thesessions within the app are in no way a substitute for your doctor,but only an addition to assisting with your health on a physical,mental, emotional and spiritual level. The Unexplainable Storemakes no medical or physical claims to the effectiveness of itsproducts of mobile applications.
Weight Loss Brainwaves 1.2
The Unexplainable Store®
You can enjoy first recording for free permanently. Other tracksare also free to you within a month. Are you self conscious andafraid to exercise? Do you find yourself eating even when you'renot hungry? Our program reduces the seeds of self consciousness andcreates a mentality conducive to self-discipline. What would you doif you had less hunger, less compulsive eating, less stress, andmore compulsion to exercise and be active? You know you won't letyourself down. Act thinner and you'll be thinner. This is the one.If you have a weight problem, your mind likely already sees yourbody as beyond its control. They key to every weight loss successstory is there was one "magic cure" that users truly believed in.Are all these "magic cures" real but only for a select few? No. Thecommon thread in them all is self determination. The key is notfinding the magic cure, but creating it within yourself. You canquite literally think yourself thin. Just in the same way Yogis areable to walk on hot coals without being damaged or slow down theirown metabolisms to heal from within, you can lose weight based onbrain patterns. Think it and you will be it. But thinking it isn'teasy for some who have lived with the difficulty of anuncooperative metabolism for so many years. And unfair standards inthe media only make it more difficult to appreciate yourself andfeel healthy so you can be happy. The ABSOLUTE most importantaspect of weight maintenance is your mindset. If weight loss issomething you go into as a battle, looking to defeat your own bodythrough starvation and torturous unnatural dietary supplements(which often damage your digestive system), your body will rebelagainst you. If you think of weight loss as a burden, and exerciseas a chore, you will be dissatisfied and tired before you evenstart. The only way to get your body to do what you want is tocooperate with it. No one's body wants to be unhealthy andlethargic. Our system teaches you how to love physical activity andkeep loving it. A temporary diet yields temporary (if any) results.Don't gain the weight back. Get a new body AND a new mindset! Usingthese recordings is easy. Do not focus on your weight, or anynegative feelings you may have about your body. Instead, imagineyourself having a healthy body. What would that be like? Don'tfocus on the negative, but rather use your imagination to thinkabout all the things you'd love to do with your new body. Don'tthink of words such as "Weight," "Heavy," "Fat," or anything"Negative." Use positive terms such as "Now I have a healthy body,"and "I look and feel great." Think in positive terms about yourfuture, and your new lifestyle. These recordings are made to assistyou with the psychological aspects of weight loss. The distinctarray of frequencies helps the brain obtain and maintain bothmotivation and satisfaction without the need to eat. It helps youcancel out the association of "food" being used as an unhealthyemotional fixation. Our recordings do work, and as such you will beable to feel this programmable state within minutes of the veryfirst use. DISCLAIMER: Please remember that Weight Loss Brainwaveis merely a tool to assist in your rejuvenation. The sessionswithin the app are in no way a substitute for your doctor, but onlyan addition to assisting with your health on a physical, mental,emotional and spiritual level. The Unexplainable Store makes nomedical,physical,or otherwise, claims to the effectiveness of itsproducts of mobile applications.
Motivation-Performance,Success 1.0
The Unexplainable Store®
Top quality Binaural Beats combined with relaxing ambient music. Asworld-renowned brainwave specialist, The Unexplainable Store® hasbeen providing brainwave entrainment since the year 2000. All thebrainwaves are meticulously created with the latest brainwaveentrainment technology. Part One-Motivation · Achievement Have youever dreamed of becoming a greater success? Do you often feel yourlife has more potential than is being realized? Motivation is thekey to leading a more successful life. When we dream, we'reactually thinking about the world that actually could exist in ourfuture. Our minds often start strong, focusing on criticalthinking, problem solving, and how to make things "work." Theunfortunate truth is, after a few days, hours, or minutes of livingout the 'success' we could soon enjoy, self doubt starts to creepin. Sometimes it comes in the form of words, "That'll neverhappen," or "Is it really worth it?" This feeling robs us ofsuccess we fought so hard for in the early days. Now it's possibleto break that feeling down to size and start living a moresuccessful life! Our program has found the key. We will guide youback to those initial feelings of problem solving and focus onthem, getting rid of that mental block and boosting your drive tosucceed! Your body and mind will be resonating on frequencies whichpromote success and increase motivation. You will feel the effectsthe very first time you listen. Part Two-Manifestation ·Manifestation The simplest proof of the concept of manifestthinking is "If A equals B, then everything true of A willnaturally also be true of B." In other words, if you're asuccessful person, you're naturally going to think of yourself in asuccessful way. But what happens if you keep thinking of yourselfin an unsuccessful way, and can't stop it? Motivational thinkerswill tell you it's just a matter of "Thinking positively," andthere is something to that, but you also need to make sure theright part of your brain is getting the message. As long as youstay positive, and take advantage of opportunities, you will enjoya complete lifestyle improvement. Keep in mind you want to focus onthe positive. Imagine what you want ahead of time, so you knowexactly what to go for after the treatment is done. Themanifestation recording uses two powerful key frequencies in thetheta zone. Visualize success as you listen. Part Three-Prosperity· Path to Success · Reaching Out Money is a mindset. There's areason people who have money find it easier to acquire more. It'snot necessarily that money generates more money, but rather thatthose who know how to make money are in that 'mode' of thinking andfind it easier to continue to do. Brainwave entrainment immediatelyshifts your consciousness so you can start thinking of new ways toget money flowing to you right away! Motivate yourself, act foryourself, and believe in yourself. You can make a difference inyour own life. Never let doubt hold you back. Great people don'tlet doubt lead them down the path of inaction and failure. Act nowand start your new life today! *** BENEFITS OF BRAINWAVES - Enhancecognitive ability - Heighten your mood To Contact *** NOTE Every person's brain worksdifferently, but on the same basic principles. Some minds are moreopen to suggestion, while others refuse to let go. As eachrecording is specifically designed for a certain purpose, effectson individuals differ. Just be aware that your mind wants what youwant. It takes some time to really feel effects, so don’t give upif you fail to reach where you would like to be after the firsttry. Also, headphone is highly recommended.
Chakra Opening-Spirituality 1.5
The Unexplainable Store®
Top quality Binaural Beats combined with relaxing ambient music. Asworld-renowned brainwave specialist, The Unexplainable Store® hasbeen providing brainwave entrainment since the year 2000. All thebrainwaves are meticulously created with the latest brainwaveentrainment technology. 1.Covers Each and Every Chakra (RootChakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, ThroatChakra, Brow Chakra, Crown Chakra) 2.No Extensive Practice Required3.Immediate Results Guaranteed Chakra Stimulation is an ancient artused by Practitioners of Yoga and Meditation experts to heightenspiritual awareness. Spiritual energy is the core of every abilityyou possess, and Chakras are the factories of this spiritualenergy. In several ways, the Chakras are the most important thingto develop. The human nervous system is a network connecting thesensory organs to the brain. The Chakras, or energy centers, act asa """"pump"""" which direct spiritual energy through this system.For example, Earth energy is drawn up through your Root Chakra andpassed to the Sacral Chakra which is then passed to the SolarPlexus, then the heart, then throat, brow, and finally the crown.Once energy reaches beyond the crown, experiences and sensationsmove to realms beyond explanation. The Chakra system is consideredby many to be the most important system to work on. It is a base onwhich most other development is built. The Chakra Stimulatingsystem stimulates each of the seven Chakras with differentfrequency ranges and predetermined base frequencies. It has beenreported to be extremely effective by users worldwide! The minds ofyogis undergoing deep spiritual progression have been studied foryears, and now by integrating our system into what we know of theirbrain patterns, we are able to give you the tools to reproducetheir experiences! *** BENEFITS OF BRAINWAVES - Total relaxation ofthe entire body from head to toe - Feeling of sedation - Enhancecognitive ability - Increase ability to meditate deeply - Explorespiritual side of life - Place you in a state of hypnosis -Heighten your mood - Ease the symptoms of depression And a lot moreis waiting for you to explore. To Contact Us:*** NOTE Every person's brain works differently, but on the samebasic principles. Some minds are more open to suggestion, whileothers refuse to let go. As each recording is specifically designedfor a certain purpose, effects on individuals differ. Just be awarethat your mind wants what you want. It takes some time to reallyfeel effects, so don’t give up if you fail to reach where you wouldlike to be after the first try. Also, headphone is highlyrecommended.
Sleepwave Pro - Relaxing Music 1.0
The Unexplainable Store®
Sleepwave Pro is a professional brainwave audio program thatusesthe technology of isochronic tones. It works by using specialtonesand pulses, which help influence your brainwave patterns.Listeningto this audio gently takes you down from a waking 'alpha'stateinto a deep 'delta' sleep. It will help you to: Get to sleepfasterthan ever before - whether you're suffering fromtemporarysleeplessness, chronic insomnia, pain, depression, orotherconditions Become more awake during the day - feel happier,lessstressed, more energetic, more mentally alert, and enjoyingastronger immune system It's incredibly powerful and totallysafe.Sleepwave Pro improves on what the brain does naturally,lullingyou into a deep sleep within minutes. Just hit the 'Play'buttonand listen as you fall asleep. No headphones are required,andyou'll probably never hear the end of the recording. Wavegoodbyeto insomnia and sleepless nights and say hello to a freshmorningand happier mood! It contains 5 brainwave MP3 sessions. Justreadthe user guide and listen to the one most suited to the typeofinsomnia you're experiencing. Don't spend another night staringatthe ceiling. Just install it and then get ready to enjoy thebestsleep of your life, tonight!